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McKenzie Friend Support for Bristol Family Court Hearings

Bristol Family court

photograph of Bristol Family court

Bristol Family Court

Bristol Civil and Family Justice centre

Address : 2 Redcliff Street


Telephone number 0117 366 4880

Bristol Family court is the Bristol location for divorcing or separated parents to attend for Child arrangement order hearings, Non-molestation ordersOccupation orders and Divorce Finance Hearings (ancillary relief). 

If you are a Bristol parent who is divorcing or separating and cannot agree the terms of your separation by consent then you may find family law solicitors costs unaffordable or become frustrated with a lack progress whilst your legal bills increase. 

Graham's estimate of fees to attend Bristol Family court would be

1.5 hour travel to and from court £75
and 2 hours at court (for a hearing pre-listed for 1 hr duration) would be £160

total estimate of cost is £235

Parents have the option to use a cost-effective Bristol McKenzie friend service to support you to present your own case as litigant in person. As a litigant in person you will speak to the judge directly instead of a solicitor speaking for you. The McKenzie friend can help you feel confident to speak to a judge, coach you on how to correctly prepare paperwork and negotiate with solicitors outside the court room. Click HERE to find out more

Graham Fletcher's McKenzie friend Bristol service is cheaper and more effective than a family law solicitor.

Graham is experienced in coaching people to present their own case with over 10 years experience in Family courts and has over 150 5 star reviews.