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affordable Mckenzie friend fees

What are Graham Fletcher's McKenzie Friend Fees ?

Cheaper and more effective than a Family Law Solicitor

Graham Fletcher is a divorced Father of two now adult children. Graham achieved successful outcomes in family court hearings relating to his divorce In 2012

After briefly using a direct access barrister for a emergency hearing, Graham decided to present his own case as a litigant in person and resourced the asssistance of a paid McKenzie Friend to help with paperwork and to have someone present to offer him emotional support and advice on the day of a court hearing. Graham achieved successful outcomes in child arrangement ordersdivorce financial settlements (ancillary relief) and getting non-molestation order and occupation order applications dismissed. Graham is a qualified Mentor and has 10 years of McKenzie Friend experience helping Mothers and Fathers achieve positive outcomes in family court heaings in England and Welsh family courts

Graham offers affordable McKenzie Friend fees based on his direct experience of being a customer of a Lawyer and McKenzie Friend service in his own divorce. Graham is passionate about:

Helping parents go through family courts without incurring high legal bills and

Both parents having a active, equal co-parenting input into their children's lives

If you think Graham may be aligned and a good match for you and your aims and objectives then head over to the About You and Me page to explore further

Graham Fletcher offers a free 15 minute consultation on 07906 956035 (1 call per client)

What are the McKenzie Friend Fees of Graham Fletcher ?

Following a free consultation, Graham often helps clients to:

Discuss their case in more depth

Ensure their paperwork is correct

Improve how they come across in written statements and interviews

Prepare for important cafcass interviews 

Negotiate with Lawyers

Improve a co-parenting relationship

Develop a family court strategy

Let go of negative thought patterns

Visualise a positive long term outcome

Graham adapts his offerings to each client in a bespoke way. He recognises that each clients situation is unique and he is always focussed on tuning into the key dynamics that will effect positive change or influence 

Graham's McKenzie Friend fees are affordable, pay in advance and as you go. No large deposits are requested

Graham offers McKenzie Friend fees that are structured in a simple format.

Pay in advance and as you go and with 2 different rates (daytime and evening/weekends)

 Graham's Mckenzie friend fees for daytime support between Monday to Friday 9-5pm are £80 per hour (minimum time slot of 30 minutes)

Graham's Mckenzie friend fees for evening and weekend support are £100 per hour Monday to Friday 5-9pm and weekends 9-9pm (minimum time slot of 30 minutes)

Graham charges £50 per hour for time spent driving to and from a court hearing

A £100 advance deposit is required to book Graham's McKenzie Friend attendance at your family court hearing. Please read Graham's terms and conditions here

Graham's McKenzie Friend fees remain unchanged since 2020 and at reasonable rate when considering his 10 years of professional McKenzie Friend experience

This McKenzie Friend fee structure means as a customer of Graham Fletcher McKenzie Friend you have no hidden costs. You can decide what level of McKenzie Friend support your budget and circumstances may require in advance

If you need Graham to send you a estimate of costs to attend a particular court location please email him with dates,location and the time duration estimate given by the court. The family courts within driving distance of Graham's Bristol home are listed HERE and each page presents a estimate of general costs

Graham recalls the challenges of going through a divorce, both emotionally and financially and offers his solution focussed service with those aspects fully considered. Graham has over 150 reviews from customers over many years which you can view HERE

5 star google rating for mckenzie friend fees

Advance Payment Required