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McKenzie Friend Reviews

Over 150 5 Star McKenzie Friend Reviews

asain man writes positive feedback for graham fletcher on the mckenzie friend service he provided to him in his divorce.jpg
5 star linkedin mckenzie friend review from mr jonathan butler

Welcome to the McKenzie Friend Reviews page of Graham Fletcher McKenzie Friend

Graham has worked professionally as a independant McKenzie Friend since 2014.

Graham has no professional connections with websites that claim to be McKenzie Friend Networks. 

Parents looking to contact Graham or read his reviews should not trust a website of claiming to find a mckenzie friend. A bangladesh based website has created a McKenzie Friend profile page on their website claiming to be professionally connected with Graham Fletcher, when they are not. The website in question took photos and data Graham had uploaded on other websites and created a public profile of Graham without his consent or permission. See Graham's McKenzie Friend blog for more information

In the early days of his career as a McKenzie Friend, after helping a parent achieve a positive outcome in family courts as a litigant in person Graham started asking clients for reviews by email. Once recieved he would add their unedited reviews to a earlier version of this website

When the number of McKenzie Friend Reviews had reached a significant level Graham started to ask for reviews on Google, Facebook and Linkedin (as at the time he used these platforms promotionally). Graham no longer endorses Facebook or Linkedin

Since 2020 Graham now asks his McKenzie Friend clients to leave their McKenzie Friend Reviews on independant, impartial sites such as Google My Business or Yell 

(click the bold words above to view the most recent 2024 McKenzie Friend Reviews of Graham Fletcher McKenzie Friend directly on those websites) 

Please note that not all parents feel comfortable to leave reviews on public websites and are often focussing on maintaining and improving their co-parenting relationship post court. 

There is no expectation for a client to leave reviews but if possible to do so without breaching confidentiality then it is gratefully recieved and helps parents assess if Graham Fletcher's McKenzie Friend service is trustworthy and has intergity of service offerings

On this page there are also screenshots of the Facebook and Linkedin reviews
With over 150 5 star reviews, Graham Fletcher McKenzie Friend has more positive reviews than most family law solicitors or barristers. Why?

Graham's clients share that their experience is divorce lawyers obscure the process by using legalese language, making things sound more complex than they are and creating high bills for clients. Graham's clients felt the lawyer created a relationship of dependency, where they felt disempowered and needed someone to take over to write and speak for them. In contrast Graham offers a McKenzie Friend service that empowers people to speak their truth and to believe in themselves, achieving positive outcomes in a sometimes biased family court system

5 star McKenzie Friend review left on google by a client of Graham Fletcher McKenzie Friend

McKenzie Friend Review "Graham has been fantastic, he's friendly and professional and easy to talk to.He clarified the children arrangement process, he answered all my questions and provided me very good advice. He's very knowledgeable and patient.I would say, he is the kind of person you want to have by your side. in this complex family court, he also would review my statements before submitting them to the other party or the court -all this saved me a load of money and hassle, I would highly recommend him - Thank you! Mr H (anonymity requested)“ 6th nov 2021

5 star McKenzie Friend review left on Yell by a client of Graham Fletcher McKenzie Friend

McKenzie Friend Review "I have recently taken my ex-wife to court regarding an amendment on an existing child arrangement order. I took legal advice from a local family law solicitor who looked at the proposed case and informed me that he saw no reason why I should waste my money by engaging him in a court hearing as it should be straight forward, however, almost a year down the line from sending the x a solicitors letter stating my intention, I have had nothing but aggressive verbal abuse from her representatives .

The first court case was looming and the prospect of standing in an unfamiliar and daunting situation was eating away at me. My wife and mother of my stepson suggested that I contacted Graham Fletcher as a Mckenzie friend as he had helped her through an extremely difficult time in court with her ex-husband

This advice was invaluable as Graham is the perfect interface in court to deal with aggressive barristers, keep you calm and focussed and remind you of key facts etc. He cannot speak to the judge on your behalf but will prompt you at the right moment. At a fraction of the cost of a barrister, I couldn’t recommend Graham more. Thank you" Mr A Dunn, 27th Jan 2019

5 star mckenzie friend review left on google for mckenzie friend support at a divorce finances final hearing

McKenzie Friend Review "Graham was very helpful both before the hearing and on the day in Court. Graham helped me to marshal my written arguments to the Court in a clear way. Then on the day he was extremely helpful, being reactive to changing circumstances, giving me clear and useful advice for the whole way. I strongly recommend his services."Mr Collis, Cardiff, Apr 29th 2016

5 star facebook mckenzie friend review from mr graham cooke

McKenzie Friend Review "I just wanted to say a massive thank-you for all the help you have given me both in the lead up to my court hearing (helping me prepare my position statement) and at the actual court hearing, whereby you instantly put me at ease and talked me through the process and were always at hand to give advice and recommendations on how to achieve the desired outcome - what's best for the children! Not only did you help me, but you also managed to mediate with the other party and I have no doubt that this helped us reach a conclusion that morning of the hearing - something I never thought would happen. I have an additional case pending next week, which Graham is also helping me with. I couldn't think of anyone better to help me through this process once again" Mr McDermott, Reading, Apr 29th 2016

5 star facebook mckenzie friend review from mr karl hallett

McKenzie Friend Review "I approached Graham via email late one evening in November of 2015. I had a prompt reply early the following morning, followed by subsequent conversations throughout that day. It was immediately clear to me that Graham was the right person to have come to. Grahams approach and handling of my situation was considerate, thorough and immensely reassuring.Graham went on to attend, support and help prepare two court appointments for my case. His knowledge and grasp of the dynamics was invaluable, in short Graham is a true professional that delivers expert preparation and advice at great value. I would have no hesitation at all in recommending Graham's services.Many thanks" Mr Grigg, Reading, Apr 21st 2016

5 star facebook mckenzie friend review from mr lee mordecia

McKenzie Friend Review "Your assistance at the FHDRA was excellent. You were continuously aware of developments on the day and helped me with every step of the hearing. I was particularly impressed by two things;

(a) Your hands-on involvement and practical advice in the pre-hearing discussions with Cafcass and the mother's barrister.

(b) Your clear and reactive guidance on what to say during the hearing" Mr Hollis, Cardiff, Feb 25th 2016

5 star facebook mckenzie friend review from ms jo armstrong

McKenzie Friend Review "I have used Graham twice now and will do so again. The applicant Mother was attempting to vary a quite recent order to drastically reduce our children’s time with myself. Graham helped produce court papers and my final position statement. He also advised on requesting a Prohibited Steps Order, to prevent our children being moved away from the local area.In court Graham was calming and reassuring. He reminded me to ask the Judge to grant a PSO. Although the request was declined, at this time by the Judge , discussions were had and I believe this has caused my ex to look for house locally also" Mr Hamza, Reading, Feb 2nd 2016

5 star facebook mckenzie friend review from ms angelina lazar

McKenzie Friend Review "I would recommend Graham as a supportive and helpful McKenzie Friend. In my recent court hearing he was positive and knowledgeable in law proceedings and because of his calm approach it was so helpful to make the right decisions" Mrs Mihell, Guildford, Nov 17th 2015

5 star facebook mckenzie friend review from ms claire kyle

McKenzie Friend Review "I would highly recommend Graham Fletcher as a McKenzie friend to any father out there who needs a representative; Graham's calming manner is a great asset whilst preparing for court and then when in chambers. I have come to rely on him during this difficult time and would not hesitate to recommend him to anyone" Mr Senghor, Reading, Oct 26th 2015

5 star facebook mckenzie friend review from mr deano corona

McKenzie Friend Review "Graham spent time outlining the 'bigger picture' and was able to provide relevant detail where appropriate. His calm and balanced approach is infectious and with his input, I was able to present myself in court professionally. We still have work to do, but thanks to Graham's approach there is light at the end of the tunnel. We will continue to work together in the coming months but I am confident having Graham supporting me we will take the right approach" Mr Barnes, Reading, Oct 14th 2015

5 star facebook mckenzie friend review from ms kerry webb

McKenzie Friend Review "Many thanks to you Graham, you helped me process all of my emotionally charged feelings towards this difficult situation and produce a well balanced and fair position statement. You showed me that there is hope in such bleak times. Your patience and insight has aided me in staying positive in reaching the end goal that is to be able to see my son regularly" Mr Cordes, Southampton, July 31st 2015

5 star facebook mckenzie friend review from ms kimberley craner

McKenzie Friend Review "In 2014 my 10 year old son refused to reside with his father for various reasons. My ex obviously blamed me for coaching my son to prevent him from being a part of his life. All were obviously allegations on my ex part. Eventually we had to go to court again to move forward. Graham has been an invaluable source of support and assistance with form filling, position statements and most importantly the emotional support. His calm approach and looking forward to positive change encouraged me to focus on important issues and not let my emotion get the better of me. He helped me think outside the box and not let my ex "wind me up" so to speak. There always solutions to problems that are manifested and having a McKenzie Friend has been of tremendous support to me legally, emotionally and financially. I would recommend it to all" Ms Bains, Staines, June 20th 2015

5 star facebook mckenzie friend review from mr martin thomas

McKenzie Friend Review

“I found graham to be very knowledgable and professional. He provided an efficient service and good advice at a fraction of a cost ofasolicitor! He was flexible on the means of communication and responded quickly to my texts and emails. 

I give Graham five stars and fully recommend his service. Thank you” Mr A.G (Anonymity requested) 30th Oct 2021

5 star facebook mckenzie friend review from mr matt kelly

McKenzie Friend Review “five stars for how calmy and collectively you handle the situation"..Through these consultations I have learnt something very positive from yourself...Which is instead of worrying communication with the courts has plays a vital role.” Ms F.J (Anonymity requested) 30th Oct 2021

5 star facebook mckenzie friend review from mr naheem ahmed

McKenzie Friend Review “Graham was extremely professional and kept calm, even when challenged by a difficult barrister. He offered advice at the right moments during the Court Hearing and clarified various legal procedures. As a university professor, I am used to public speaking and arguing in a detached and rational way, but courts follow their own logic, which I wasn’t familiar with. Graham helped me to understand this logic and how to rewrite my personal statement and present my arguments in a clearer way.” 

Professor G,  Oxford . June 16th 2017

5 star facebook mckenzie friend review from mr nathan ingram
McKenzie Friend Review "Thank you for your support in preparation for and during the hearing. I very much appreciate your feedback and eye for detail during the write up of the position statement and your clear explanation of the various parts of the process before going to court.Your professional and calm demeanor help me stay focused on the day of the hearing. During the hearing you repeatedly reminded me of the key issues and when to address aspects that the judge had not considered yet.I hope you will be in my 'corner' again when I have to face another hearing" Mr Koehn, Milton Keynes, Nov 10th 2016
5 star facebook mckenzie friend review from mr nick johnson
McKenzie Friend Review "Graham operates in a calm, considered and reasoned manner - providing both coaching and practical guidance on how to take court action yourself, without the need for a solicitor. Very trustworthy and reliable." Mr Duncan Clark, Staines, March 27th 2017
5 star linkedin mckenzie friend review from mr linus mitchell
McKenzie Friend Review "I would fully recommend Graham Fletcher's McKenzie Friend services to anyone who feels that a bit more support would help them in family court proceedings. I was in a position where I could no longer afford a solicitor and barrister in my prolonged proceedings, so had moved on to self representing. However, the court situation can be nerve-wracking, so I requested Graham's services to help manage my stress and take notes. Graham was excellent at these, and in addition he provided very useful advice and points of view. I have been to court about a dozen times now and this time with Graham was so far the most positive one. I actually came away feeling empowered instead of deflated, and having managed to negotiate a bit more weekly time with my child of whom I am currently the non-resident parent." Ms L.H, Reading, Jan 29th 2017
5 star linkedin mckenzie friend review from mrs rhona byrne
McKenzie Friend Review “Graham was just what I needed in a McKenzie friend for my occupation hearing. I couldn’t afford the £1500 my solicitor wanted just for one hearing and even though at first I was quite worried with not attending such an important crossroad in my life without a solicitor I am so glad I made the correct choice to have Graham help me instead.  His calm manner and knowledge of the process through personal and professional experience allowed my nerves to stay well managed and most importantly get the outcome I had planned for. He also helped the night before, working on my personal statement as there were some most useful changes he added which helped with the positive outcome on the day. Going forward I will be using Grahams services again during this long process ahead positive in the knowledge he will be able to help me with the points of law and procedure I need to be aware of to be successful in court. " Mr Young , Romford, Aug 31st 2016 
5 star linkedin mckenzie friend review from mr francis ndegwa
McKenzie Friend Review "I felt a massive amount of relief after my initial conversation with Graham. He offered a great deal of knowledge, support and encourage just when I needed it the most. " Mr Bentley, Watford, Aug 8th 2016 

McKenzie Friend Review "I can’t speak highly enough of the assistance that Graham is able to offer. From our first consultation he has proven to be knowledgeable and understanding of the family court process and my personal situation, which gave me the confidence to request his attendance at court. This is where Graham really came into his own, firstly during the build up with help preparing statements and then on the day making himself available for a phone call in the morning and meeting up prior to the hearing to discuss strategy and process. He was able to explain what to expect at the hearing and give tips on the best ways to react to issues as the hearing progressed. This was invaluable as it helped me ensure that contact was resumed with my children immediately and for a longer period than the other side had offered. Attending family court can be an anxious place for those not used to the proceedings but Graham is able to ease those anxieties with his professional approach and knowledge which I’m sure helped me show confidence dealing with solicitors and court officials. I am certain that attending on my own would have seen a less successful result so I can only thank Graham for his help" Mr Harrington, London, June 3rd 2016 

McKenzie Friend Review "Graham was very helpful and gave me a complete picture of the process and what to expect, not only on the day, but the likely outcomes in the future.

For all those, like me, experiencing being in the court process for the very first time it can be a very daunting, anxious time but having briefed me on the phone the week before the case, reviewing my documentation, and the prep talk before the hearing made me feel more comfortable presenting my position to the court and ensuring the needs of the children were acknowledged.

Graham was also useful when seeking advice during the session on when it was best to agree and stand your position, which is vital when you are not experienced in the law, again ensuring that the children's needs and your rights are kept as the priority.

I have another case, possibly two, before we get the desired result (fingers crossed) but I have no doubt or hesitation in asking Graham to assist or recommending his services to others in need." Mr Bertrand, Croydon, May 10th 2016

McKenzie Friend Review "Graham helped me a lot,gave very good advice and answered all my concern's. He also consulted with my child's mother and gave her a few pointers on the directions court could take. he talked with my child's mother about the importance of father's role in children's lives after divorce. Graham advised and recommended what to say at any given time. After Graham tip's my wife and I took the time and agreed that I will be able to meet with my son unsupervised and the court took this into account and a final order based on our discussions.Many thanks to Graham for his help" Mr Lindenbergs - Zeinvalds, Slough, Apr 28th 2016,

McKenzie Friend Review "Graham guided me through all the necessary preparation before court.  His contribution to the creation of my statements was fantastic, the documents were factual, logical and child focused.  He puts a 'different lens' on events and helps you see things without emotion whilst keeping the children's welfare and best interests at the forefront.  Through his guidance and experience we achieved a positive result in court.  I wouldn't hesitate to contact Graham again for advice and guidance"Mr Barnes, Reading, Feb 9th 2016

McKenzie Friend Review "I recently found myself having to attend court regarding childcare issues, when communication broke down between myself and my ex wife. As many of us do, I found the prospect of going to court a bewildering experience. Having no idea what to expect or indeed how to conduct myself in that environment. I joined FNF (families need fathers) and they recommended that I attend court with a McKenzie friend. Graham was recommended to me, and using him before and during my hearing was one of the best decisions I've made. He expertly guided me through the process and provided me with sound advice on the day of the hearing which enabled me to reach an agreement outside of court. Which has given me a massive building block going forward.If you can't afford the costs of solicitors then there are other options and with Graham's help you can represent yourself and still get a result. You don't have to face the legal/court journey alone.I will always be thankful for Graham's help and would not hesitate to use him again if the need arises." Mr Barnes, Reading, Nov 25th 2015,

McKenzie Friend Review "I found graham to be knowledgeable and very helpful when my court hearing took place which helped me get what i wanted from the hearing.
Also it was a great having someone there who advises and keeps you strong in court. And my ex partner was being very difficult so he talked to her outside of court and eventually talked her round to an agreement which my normal solicitor might not have done" Mr Wallace,Reading, Oct 11th 2015, 

McKenzie Friend Review "I would like to thanks Graham Fletcher for the time and effort he has put in to help me with the court case and court hearing I had on 17/06/2015.Great person with great knowledge and very very patientThanks again and highly recommended to those who are in same situation as myself!" Mr Malik, Reading, June 19th 2016

McKenzie Friend Review "Graham was an excellent source of support in court, keeping me calm and explaining the process and how best to put my point across. I have been impressed with Graham's knowledge and experience which has been invaluable in these challenging times" Mr Scott, Worcester, Sept 14th 2016

McKenzie Friend Review "Yet again you managed to managed to help me achieve a great result in court. Without your knowledge & guidance I honestly don't think I would have managed to negotiate the court process so effectively. I now have someone that I can trust should I ever need help again in the future.Thanks for everything" Mr McDermott, Reading, May 13th 2016

McKenzie Friend Review "I have had Graham's assistance over the last 6 months and he's been fantastic for me. My biggest struggle was getting my point across in court and having the confidence to say what I needed to say. He also explained the legal lingo and procedures in a way I understood which helped me maintain my composure whilst in court. I would 100% refer Graham to anyone who needs help but doesn't know where to start." Mr Martin Hayes, April 10th 2017

McKenzie Friend Review "Graham guided me through a tricky specific issues order hearing. He kept me grounded, helped me focus on what was important and ensured I was prepared and relaxed to present my case.He is always at the end of the phone or email to help out; very trustworthy and reliable. Thank you!" Mr Peter Barnes, Reading, March 20th 2017

McKenzie Friend Review "Graham has assisted me in court 2 times now, each time he's been professional and calm and put me at ease. His knowledge of the system and process in my experience is second to none and has been of invaluable help to me in court. My first contact with Graham is when, after receiving a hastily written email from the respondents solicitor on the Thursday before Good Friday when my court appearance was the next Tuesday, Graham took time out with his family to sit with me and explain the full process and what to expect, on Good Friday. He didn't have to do this, but he did, for me that is the measure of his commitment to what he does as a McKenzie Friend. Therefore I cannot recommend Graham highly enough." Mr Richard Appleford, Cardiff, Dec 13th 2016

McKenzie Friend Review "I been supported in court by Mr fletcher three times I can confirm from my experience that in all difficult stages of my case he respond in a very professional manner help me to work out proactive solutions always showing a clear understanding of family court proceedings and laws. When difficulties arise making all the negotiations with the other parties and explain me clear every situation. I just not feel professional supported by mister fletcher but also he encouraged me to keep calm and strong during the hearing in a taking numerous notes and I felt that he was genuinely concerned about a positive outcome for me and my son to be honest looking back Mr Fletcher's work played a key part for me and my son be together again

Thank you so much for your amazing work Graham you are the best " Mr Palacios, Oxford, Nov 16th 2016 

McKenzie Friend Review "I had been to court twice regarding my current case, both times I represented my self and had no help. It was suggested I consult with a Mckenzie Friend. After speaking to Graham, he helped me prepare docs for court, gave helpful constructive pointers on my wording. Then once at court he reassured me on the processes and what may or may not happen. Graham took notes and was able to prompt me if I was about to miss something. The end result was that I was more calm and wasn't worried about making a mistake, I also felt like I wasn't as vulnerable to any "tactics" from the other side. Graham has a calming manner and is well informed, with plenty of experience, therefore he is a great antidote to those mercenary lawyers" Mr Dye, Oxford, Oct 22nd 2016

McKenzie Friend Review "Although I've been living in the uk more than half of my life, to represent myself in second language and prepare all the documents were a huge challenge yet after my previous experience in the court with the lawyer didn't convince that is always the best. Paying a big amount of fee and rely all the work to the lawyer is to share, or pass on your anxiety in other persons hands and receive some peace in your mind in exchange, but I remember not knowing exact process and just having to wait the paperwork, those times still created anxiety in me. Despite my great appreciation for the lawyer to represent me back that time, I felt I could have done all by myself.    After I read a book "the family court without a lawyer", I found out about Mckenzie Friend and contacted Graham.  He helped me to view my application and report always from the child's point of view not mine, made sure I understand child's welfare checklist, what the judge needs to hear and what isn't necessary. Graham edited my thoughts into non judged, clear mind set and during the court hearing, he made sure if I was ok and his brain was so switched on to suggest me with new questions and ideas to enhance my point.  I couldn't have stayed so calm and assertive without his support. And what I gained from this experience is to have worked all the paperwork by myself along Graham's help, I came to the deep understanding of what exactly I must say, why I am doing this and what for. Everything became clear and gave me confidence that this case is about my own child therefore I should be able to do this by myself. It was like a team work and Graham always remained calm and created that energy throughout the hearing for me to be able to stay calm and strong.  I have no regrets to have made my decision to work with Graham as a Mckenzie Friend, this left me with gaining the strength and confidence massively and I would like to thank you sincerely" Ms Kimura, London, Aug 30th 2016 

McKenzie Friend Review "Mr Fletcher help me out in the most difficult times of my life as l have not seen my son for more than four months and the mother is denying access.   Mr Fletcher support me in a very professional way in all stages of the court proceedings and his experience in family court was evident, he transmitted confidence and knowledge and an empathetic approach on my case giving me the right directions all the time, hope to be lucky enough to meet you in the next court hearing. Thank you so much Graham.You are a gentleman and a scholar" Mr Palacios, Oxford, Aug 10th 2016 

McKenzie Friend Review "Without Graham's help, I would be dwelling on the wrong things. Not that worrying about your children is the wrong thing at any time, however Graham's working style and repour he has with you is great as he can see what information needs to be put forward and can provide excellent clarity on situations that as a worried parent you may have missed or not seen the wood for the trees.

It has been a long journey to finally achieve what we managed in court last week (01/07/2016) however it has been through Graham's help and guidance we have made some really groundbreaking steps. Wether it be interpreting documents that seemed unclear to me or helping me frame my argument in correct manner to highlight to the court what the issues are, aside from fact and truth I count Graham as one of my biggest assets in helping me provide a better life for my children.

In the few months that we have been tackling my child issue, he has provided excellent services ranging from quick one to ones, proof reading documents, help composing statements, presentation of issues and does research that far surpasses my legal knowledge to help move the case along. Graham does not take sides but works with the mantra of what's best for the children. Sometimes as a parent in the circumstances that we all find ourselves when dealing with your children's future and court, it can be easy to focus on certain elements that don't progress you or your children's futures as these issues are so close to your hearts. Graham's work style does incorporate this but will always ensure that your children's happiness and well being is his end point so can remove parts of emotion that may stop you giving a good account of the problems on the day. Pleased to work with Graham and fully consider his help key to providing a happy and secure future for my children and myself" Mr Ahiekpor, Herefordshire, July 8th 2016

McKenzie Friend Review "my second visit to did not go well but it was expected and having Graham there helped me understand the possible outcomes and scenariosthat could happen before we entered the court room.  Having Graham there was a much needed source of advice and support when I needed itmost - helping me understand what was asked of me by the magistrates and the clerks. will not hesitate in using Graham's services again for my next court visit." Mr Bertrand, Croydon, July 7th 2016 

McKenzie Friend Review "L couldn't of done it without your help. He said last night how you made him feel in court and couldn't have done it without you. Thank you from D and myself you made us very happy grandparents"

Mrs Davies, Salisbury, May 18th 2016